Savings & Investments
These are the building blocks
of a secure financial future
Savings are used to ensure that you build sufficient money in the bank (cash) to cover emergencies, by way of deposits and cash-based bonds which provide a return and security.
Investments offer a wide range of products to provide income and capital growth looking at your complete financial situation and future needs.
As part of the process, we assess your tolerance to investment risk and what risk means to you and aim to minimise your liability to taxation, both now and in the future whilst recommending products that are the most appropriate for your individual circumstances.
Inheritance Tax is an expensive tax. With careful planning significant mitigation can be achieved. IHT Planning utilises available exemptions, financial products and gifts. It involves a strategic plan implemented over a period of time whilst ensuring that your lifestyle is unaffected. Our advice should enable your wealth to remain with your beneficiaries rather than being lost to the taxman.
Tax planning and Inheritance tax planning are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.